WARM makes everything better

April 20, 2017

WARM makes everything better

Hey there, Hottie!

As I’m sure you’ve read our story by now, my mind was blown at how amazing a warm sex toy felt after my first experience. It’s one of those things where you don’t know what you’ve been missing…until you do. And then you realize…how did I ever live without this before??!!

 There are all sorts of things in life that are just better WARM…I mean, you could enjoy them as is, just cold…but why would you want to if there’s a warm option??

…warm brownies

…warmers for your car seat  

…warm showers

…warm cup of tea

…warm massage oil

…warm bath

…warm towel after a pedicure

…warm embrace

…warm and fuzzies

 Ok, ok…You get the idea ;-)~

 So, don’t wait! Grab a WARM™ today and ignite your intimate encounters. We can't wait for you to feel what you've been missing…warm really is better!


Janine xo